5 Ways To Increase The Lifespan of Your AC Unit

The average air conditioner lasts up to 10 to 15 years and is soon replaced for a variety of reasons. Less efficiency with performance, not to mention rising electricity bills is the leading cause for replacements. These factors look easy to the eye that can compel anyone to buy a brand new air conditioner. However, if you want to get the best return on the investment, there are things you can do to make your AC unit lasts as long as possible.
5 Ways You Can Increase The Longevity of Your Air Conditioner
The summer season is about to kick in and there is a rise in homeowners opting for air conditioning maintenance in London services.
#1 Annual Maintenance
Air conditioning maintenance is the best investment you will make to increase the life span of your unit. Schedule the maintenance appointment before the summer season kicks in the breeze through comfort during the season. Air Conditioning Installation London HVAC professionals have a keen eye on what’s working for you and whatnot. The tune-ups will prepare your unit for maximum efficiency whereas minor tweaks and repairs will ensure that problems are diagnosed before the call for costly replacement of parts.
#2 Regularly Cleaning The Ducts
The air ducts primary function is to circulate the air from your cooling and heating system in and out for consistent and long-lasting comfort. The air that is cycled through the ducts is the same air you breathe, and therefore you want your filter to be as clean as possible. Debris and dirt inside the air ducts can harm the flow of your air conditioning unit. It wears and tears the system down since the unit has to work twice as hard to cool the surrounding. Always seeks the help of professional air conditioning London service providers to have your ducts inspected and cleaned.
#3 Turn off The humidifier
Summer without a doubt is the hottest season where your air conditioner works the hardest. Taking care of your unit precisely during this time will ensure that your system lasts longer. Avoid using room humidifiers because they are not necessary during the summers and can drive your electricity bills and can even damage your air conditioner. Since humidifiers add moisture to the room, it doubles up the job for an ac unit that has to work twofold to remove the moisture from the air for cooling.
#4 Change Air Filters
The most accessible and easy task a homeowner can take is to change air filters regularly. Breakdown and overheating are leading causes when using the same air filter for a longer period. Ideally one should change the air filter in three months. If you have families and friends, not to mention pets who suffer from allergies, you will probably need to change it more often. Always ensure to change them at least before the summer season kicks in. The main reason why air conditioners don’t last long in many households is that less attention is paid to the air filter.
#5 Check for leaks
If your hose happens to have leaks, your AC unit is most likely to go through a breakdown shortly. Your system is extremely important during the summer season since it has to work to the best of its abilities to keep the indoor temperatures cool. Refrigerant leaks devoids it of bringing cool air which can leave you hot, sweaty and at the same time inflated electricity bills. It is important that you check your AC unit for leaks at least before the summer season or once a year to figure out leaks if any. Do not think twice to opt for an air conditioning maintenance service because repairs not visible to the naked eye can be easily fixed by experts.
Air conditioning Services In London And Nearby Areas
No matter what model or brand of air conditioner you have been using, any air conditioner has the potential to last its potential lifespan. If you are living in and around the London area, Timely maintenance and tweaks can extend the lifespan of your AC up to 5-10 years on the existing age which means you save double on the investment you had made a decade ago. Every machine out there eventually expires but the trick here is to get the best out of it.
We can recommend you best value for money Totteridge air conditioning services and Air conditioning repairs in Hadley Wood. Hamilton offers best-in-class maintenance and repairs services with 24×7 customer support in these areas. Be it residential, commercial or industrial repairs or maintenance, they can surely help you with all your unit needs before the summer season.