5 Things To Know Before Your BMW Oil Change

5 Things To Know Before Your BMW Oil Change

BMW Oil Change

When you are a BMW car owner, it is very essential that you take very good care of it. Caring for your car includes looking after the condition of the car and making sure that the car goes for maintenance regularly. Among several crucial things, taking special care of the oil change of the car is an important factor. Getting the oil changed in the car is generally a fast and effortless process.

Car Repair Dubai – Car services are very efficient in offering all these services and they can get the work done very quickly. The lubricating oil in the car is of extreme importance for the well-being of the car.  When good and clean oil is used in the car, it does not just help in boosting the performance of the car, it also helps in extending a good life for the engine.

What Are The Common Believes About Changing Car Oil?

Many times car owners and drivers tend to follow the mileage of the car to determine when they should be changing the oil. But getting the oil in the engine depends on several factors like the quality of the oil, driving conditions of the car and the age of the engine. Using cleaner and better quality oil certainly improves the performance of the car.

Cleaner oil helps in keeping the engine clean and healthy while keeping all the parts properly lubricated and making the ride smooth. But, as the car is driven more and more, the fluid continues to break down and it becomes difficult for the oil to perform its job. Thus, before you get the engine oil changed, there are some key points that you must keep in mind.

1. When Should The Oil Change Be Done?

The first question that pops up in anybody’s mind is that when the oil in the car should be changed. The answer to that question can be very easily found in the car’s manual where all the details regarding the maintenance of the car are mentioned. The operational manual will be able to offer you a strong insight into how the car should be maintained.

It is advisable not to make any sort of assumptions based on past experiences. This is because, as your car ages the requirements of the engine changes along with it. As the car industries are modernizing, many of the newer cars are now equipped with service reminders. This equipment facilitates tracking the number of miles that the car has travelled along with the health of the engine. These systems are also capable of learning the driving condition of the car and they adjust accordingly.

2. Keeping A Regular Check Over The Oil Levels

It is essential to keep a check on the oil level of the car periodically at least once every month. Topping off the oil in some cars is essential before it is changed. Moreover checking up on the oil levels and getting necessary repairs done to avoid any leakages is very crucial. The newer generation of cars come equipped with oil monitors which are capable of showing real-time oil levels of the car. But if the car lacks any such modern installation, you need to really on a dipstick to check the levels.

When you are checking the levels manually, you should pay very close attention to how the oil looks colour wise. If the oil appears to be brown or black then, the engine is in a good condition. On the other hand, if the colour of the oil seems to be milky or light in appearance, it is may mean that the coolant is leaking into the engine. You should also look for the presence of any kind of metal particles as they may cause internal damage to the engine.

3. How Often Should The Oil Be Changed?

Again the question about how often the oil needs to be changed comes to play. And as already discussed, the car’s operational manual has all the answers related to the maintenance issues of the car. Many people still follow the concept of changing the oil every 3,000 miles or every 3 months but this concept is pretty obsolete in the present times. Each car has varying oil change duration and depending on the requirements of the car, the oil needs to be changed.

One misconception that a lot of people have is that if they do not drive the car, the oil does not have to be changed. Even if you drive less, you still need to periodically change the oil and keep it as fresh as possible. This is essential because as the oil ages, it does not receive the warmth produced by the engine. Hence, the excess moisture that is produced retains in the car affecting the health of the engine.

4. Selecting The Right Oil For Your Car

The next big question is how to choose the right oil for your engine. While the answer to that may be a little tricky as there are several options out there. But consulting your car manufacturer about what is best for your car. The car has its specific needs and it is specifically mentioned in the car’s operational manual. Make sure that only the recommended oil by the automaker is used by the mechanics when they are changing the oil.

5. Is Synthetic Oil Good For Your Car?

It is often a point of confusion for a lot of people if they should be putting synthetic oil into their engines or not. If the car manufacturers recommend the use of such oil then you can certainly put it into the engine. These oils are chemically engineered to resist the breakdown and aid in prolonging the life of the engine.

Choosing the right time for an oil change and also choosing the right oil is of key importance when it comes to maintaining the good health of the engine. Therefore, these tips should be able to help you make the right call. Desert Safari Dubai

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