5 Reasons Why Lifestyle Design is One of the Most Overlooked Steps

Many people believe that lifestyle design is more about leisure time through the automation of their work. But, lifestyle design is not about enjoying only leisure time. More leisure time doesn’t always ensure satisfaction in life, and it is not sustainable also for the long run; instead, you would prefer to design a lifestyle circling your work. Moreover, if someone […]

How Would The Coronavirus Affect Food Menu Designer?

Know something about Coronavirus: In 2019 Food Menu Designer, an unexpected thing happened throughout the world. An infectious disease named covid-19 spread all over the world. No one cannot even predict that the life of every person will change like this. The term covid-19 seems that ‘Co’ for Corona ‘vi’ for virus and ‘d’ for disease and the first case […]

What Would The Furniture Style Look Like In 2021?

Introduction: The coronavirus pandemic has affected many markets, including the home. People were not only looking for more warmth as they spent more time indoors in 2020. They were all forced to rethink their living spaces to accommodate their new way of life. If it was building a practical home workspace, planning a living room for Zoom and remote learning, […]