Booking A Trip This 2021? 7 Fatal Travel Mistakes You Should Avoid

Being stuck at home for almost a year, you might be wondering when you’re going to travel again. The good news is, that momentous day is drawing near. While there’s still an ongoing pandemic, it’s undeniable that today’s situation is a lot better than the previous year.
The travel industry is slowly recovering from the impact of the pandemic. More and more countries are reopening their borders. There are vaccines on the horizon. Hotels, airlines, tourist attractions, and other tourism sectors are also starting to boom again.
But if you’re planning your next trip this 2021, we recommend you to be extra careful: The incredibly cheap deals on airfare, accommodation, and vacations out there, plus your eagerness to explore, might cause you to be susceptible to mistakes.
Before booking that much-anticipated 2021 trip, be sure to avoid these 7 mistakes.
Mistake #1: Booking non-refundable trips
To encourage travelers to travel again, hotel accommodations, airlines, and tours are offering attractive, discounted rates. Now, what’s the catch? Most of these cheap deals are not refundable.
During this time of uncertainty, flexibility is as important as the price. With this, give yourself some peace of mind by booking properties you can conveniently back out from in cases of emergency.
Mistake #2: Skipping the cancellation policy
It’s a good thing that most airlines and hotels are letting you cancel for free. However, there’s no universal rule when it comes to cancelations. Make sure you read and understand the entire cancellation policy.
Do they allow cancellations on the day itself? Or do you have to cancel 48 hours prior? What’s the difference between “free changes” and a “cancellation”? Will you be able to receive a refund or credit? How long can you use that credit before it expires?
Mistake #3: Paying with anything but a credit card
Let’s say you paid with a cheque. What will happen if your chosen hotel in Kilkenny or your Ireland airline went out of business? Chances are that you’ll have a hard time getting your money back.
Payments during this time of unpredictability are best made with credit cards. These cards usually offer better purchase protection than other modes of payment. You’re more likely to dispute a charge and get a full refund if things don’t go as planned or the operator goes out of business.
Mistake #4: Not securing the requirements
Traveling today is now more complicated than ever, with a lot of new requirements to comply with. Health records such as COVID-19 swab test results, proof of vaccinations, and medical certificates, are just as important as your passports and other travel documents. It pays to do your research so you can prepare the requirements accordingly.
Mistake #5: Not keeping an eye on the news
Don’t let your excitement distract you from the reality: we’re still in the pandemic era. While the travel industry is slowly recovering and promising vaccines are being rolled out, we can’t deny the fact that a major turn of events (like the new UK variant) is enough to ruin everything.
Keep an eye on changing travel restrictions during the time leading up to your trip. Does it look like your target destination might close borders again? Do they have new requirements?
Stay updated with the most recent quarantine guidelines, testing, and vaccine requirements before you go. Have enough time before your trip to avoid any issues and delays.
Mistake #6: Letting a good deal pass
Although we’re seeing plenty of great travel deals right now, travel experts predict that these prices will significantly increase later this year once the bookings begin to rise. So if you catch a cheap, fully-refundable deal to your ideal destination, don’t wait — book your reservation now.
Mistake #7: Booking properties that are lax with their protocols
So what if they’re the cheapest hotel, airline, and tour out there? If they don’t exert too many efforts on their sanitation measures, social distancing and contactless protocols, hygiene, and other travel restrictions, then you’re better off elsewhere.
Before booking a property, browse their website and check out the measures they’re taking to curb the spread of COVID-19. Do they refuse to accept sick/vulnerable individuals? Do they disinfect the property thoroughly? Do they have contactless payment options? Do they arrange seats accordingly to encourage safe distances? Do they suspend buffet services and pivot to room services?
Gone are the days when the cheapest option is the best option. Today, travelers are putting their health and safety first, and patronizing operators that care for their patrons’ welfare more than anything.
Author Bio: Carmina Natividad is a travel and lifestyle writer. Aside from taking vibrant street photos, you can find her writing articles about travel, food, and lifestyle. To know more about hotels and travel blogs, you may visit Pembroke Hotel Kilkenny.